showing 1 game

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwarddescription
Ax Battler: a Legend of Golden Axe  Sega (Aspect)1991It is hard to describe this game, and the screenshots don�t explain it either. There are really three distinct play styles:

Overworld�a classic RPG-style world where you walk around and get into random battles. Stepping on a town the same size as you takes you to a town area.

Random battles�side-scrolling battles against classic Golden Axe foes. Not being able to move up or down makes it much more challenging

Dungeon Exploration�side-scrolling, but the monsters are more one-hit-kills things like bats and fish.

It is essentially a very simple RPG, but is very challenging. Most notable among its unique features is that magic pots not only destroy enemies but also act as a currency in inns and such.

To clarify, see the links below for shots of the various modes.
[Garrett]***For those in the know, this game is very similar to the Gameboy game 'Gargoyle's Quest' but much more challenging.